Monday, June 22, 2009

Sourdough pancakes

I'm so excited to use my sourdough starter to make pancakes! My husband really liked these and they are really healthy :)

The night before your breakfast, place the 2-3 cups of starter in a medium size mixing bowl. Add 2 cups warm water and 2 cups flour. Beat well and set in a warm place, free from draft, to develop overnight. In the morning the batter will have gained 1/2 again its bulk and be covered with air bubbles. It will have a pleasant yeasty odor.

Set aside 1/2 cup sponge in the refrigerator jar for your sourdough starter the next time. To remaining sponge add:

1 or 2 eggs
1 tsp. soda
1 tsp. salt
1 Tbl. sugar (I used honey instead :)

Beat with a fork and blend in all ingredients. Add 2 Tbl melted fat. Bake on a hot griddle. Turn once. Serve.

Recipe found at:

Fried Tacos

We make these all the time because they are so easy, especially since I keep taco meat in the freezer most of the time. The key ingredient to making them super yummy is the cream cheese! My family thinks fried tacos are so much better than plain old tacos :)

cream cheese
taco meat
cheddar cheese
Olive oil
whatever else you like on tacos

Put oil in a pan on stove on medium heat. Spread cream cheese on a tortilla, then taco meat and whatever toppings you like. Put 2nd tortilla on top. Place in pan and fry in oil, flipping when crispy. Cook other side til crispy. Enjoy!

This recipe is part of Kelly's Korner SUYL

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Strawberry dreamsicle smoothie

Karis had a fever on Monday and didn't want to eat anything. So we made some yummy healthy smoothies out of what we had on hand and we all loved them! Next time I'm going to triple the recipe to use up all the O.J. and make popsicles out of the leftovers :) For tips on other great smoothies, check out THIS great post!

1 can coconut milk (so very good for you and yummy, too!)
1/3 can of frozen orange juice concentrate
about 1 1/2 cups frozen strawberries
frozen banana
raw honey to taste (we use about 3 Tbs)
a handful of ice if you like a crunch in your smoothie :)

This post is part of Kelly's SUYL desserts! Click on over for more yummy desserts!
Other healthy add-ins we tried:
fruit flavored cod liver oil (about 3 Tbs)
heaping spoonful of coconut oil
Grapefruit seed extract (about 4-5 drops)

Just blend it all together, starting with the coconut milk and O.J. in the bottom and add anything else that sounds yummy!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Karis' favorite pumpkin mini-muffins

Ok, so these wouldn't fall into the healthy category, but Nina makes them for Karis everytime she comes to visit and my girl can't get enough of them! So I had to post the recipe :)


3 1/3 cups flour

2 tsp. baking soda

1 and ½ tsp. salt

1 tsp. cinn.

1 tsp. nutmeg

3 cups sugar

1 cup veg. Oil

4 eggs

2/3 cups water

1 16-oz. Can pumpkin

Directions: Heat oven to 350. Stir dry ingredients together evenly. Add the rest of the ingredients all at once. Mix at medium speed for 3 minutes or until well blended. Use 2 greased, but not floured 9x5 loaf pans. Bake 1 hour, 10 minutes.