Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Biscuits like Red Lobster's

These are my absolute favorite and I got this recipe from my mother in law, Lynne DeLong

2 cups biscuit mix
½ cup cold water
¾ cup of sharp grated cheese (8 oz. Of cheese if you like cheesy)
¼ cup butter
1 tsp. parsley flakes
½ tsp. garlic salt or powder
½ tsp. Italian dressing

Preheat oven to 450. Mix biscuit mix, water, and cheese together. Drop by large spoonfuls on greased baking sheet. Bake for 8-10 minutes. Broil tops 1-2 min – watch very closely; they’ll burn easily. While baking, mix last 4 ingredients together in small bowl and melt in microwave. After taking biscuits out of oven, brush the garlic butter mixture over hot biscuits.

1 comment:

  1. We tried these because I love Red Lobster biscuits and they were just perfect! Easy too! This blog was a fabulous idea and now I'm coming here all of the time for meal ideas! I think maybe you should write a recipe book... I would buy it! :) Your recipes are so good... and yet they are easy to make. I hate recipe books where its all really complicated and has weird ingredients. Thanks so much for sharing your good ideas!
