Monday, September 8, 2008

Husband’s Favorite Barbeque Beef cups

This is a recipe that Mark insisted that I find. He ate these at every covered dish at his Baptist church growing up and loved them. So I searched online til I found something that sounded similar. Now I make mini-cups and take them to covered dishes and they are always a hit! I usually double the beef mixture and freeze half of it so that I can make these in a jiffy the next time :)


1 can refrigerated biscuits

1 medium onion, chopped

½ cup barbeque sauce

¼ tsp thyme

1 lb. Ground beef

1 clove garlic, mashed

½ tsp. salt

¼ tsp. oregano

Cheddar cheese for topping

Directions: Brown hamburger, onion, and garlic together. Add barbeque sauce, seasonings, and simmer until hamburger is cooked. Meanwhile, press biscuits into muffin tins, forming cups. Fill with hamburger mixture and top with cheddar cheese. Bake according to biscuit directions.

This recipe is part of Kelly's Korner SUYL

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