Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Cheesy breadsticks and cinnamon sugar sticks

I know, I'm waaay behind in my updating. It just so happened that last week my girls somehow had a hard time napping at the same time. Which meant that my blogging time disappeared :) But I think I've got them figured out now, so this week should be better :)

OK, this pizza dough recipe is officially my favorite go-to recipe now. It is awesome because I make 4 sets of dough and only use one, so I always have some in the freezer to grab in a hurry. I've started making fun breadsticks out of the dough, both the yummy cheesy kind and the cinnamon-sugar kind for dessert or breakfast. It is really easy. And my husband and toddler LOVE them!

Cheesy breadsticks
(this recipe is extremely versatile -- I know you want me to put exact measurements, but you can really put as much cheese or butter or seasonings as you like -- go ahead and experiment!!!)

1 ball of pizza dough
your favorite shredded cheese
softened or melted butter (I used about 3/4 stick)
your favorite seasonings (I like garlic powder and a little oregano)

Directions: Roll out dough; cover with butter. Sprinkle on seasonings and cheese. Fold up each side like a tortilla. Slice in breadstick-like pieces; place on pan and twist (I'll take pics next time so you can see what it is supposed to look like :) Bake at 350 for about 15-20 min. These are awesome served with marinara and/or garlic butter dipping sauce

Cinnamon Breadsticks
1 ball of pizza dough
softened or melted butter
your choice of sweetener: I've tried maple syrup, honey, and rapadura with sucess

Directions: Same as above except substitute the cinnamon and sweetener for cheese and seasonings. These are awesome served with my cream cheese icing

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