Monday, August 15, 2011

Healthy Fudgesicles!

I just made these as a special snack for my girls' first day of pre-school (at home :) and oh, they are so good! My husband did mention that they taste more like dark chocolate than sweet chocolate but I didn't really notice it myself. My 4-year old thought they were the best treat ever and she normally wouldn't even touch an avocado! I actually used 1 1/2 avocados because I had some leftover in the fridge I wanted to use up. And I smashed it instead of quartering it to make certain it would blend well. I think I will actually use 2 next time to add in some more healthy fat to slow the sugar rush a bit. But I'm not too worried about it since it only uses honey for sweetener! Many thanks to Recipes to Nourish for posting such a great treat for my girls!

  • 1 ripe avocado, remove pit, quarter
  • 4 tablespoons raw organic cacao powder
  • 2 teaspoons organic vanilla extract
  • ¼ cup raw honey (I use local raw clover creamed honey)
  • 3 cups raw whole milk (See Resources)

1. Combine all ingredients in blender.
2. Blend on a lower setting until smooth and combined. No avocado pieces
should remain. Strain through fine mesh strainer if needed.
3. Pour mixture into popsicle molds.
4. Place in freezer for at least 6 hours.
5. When frozen, run under hot water to release the mold.

Yield: Makes about 4 cups mixture, finished popsicle yield varies.

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