Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Soaked Buckwheat Pancakes

We recently confirmed that my 3-year old has a sensitivity to gluten, so I've been trying out some new recipes. Apparently, the best gluten-free recipes either use almond flour or a cocktail of different flours. We can't afford to use almond flour for all our baking purposes and I don't have all the ingredients in most "multi-flour and bean" gluten-free recipes. So I decided that buckwheat would probably be my most affordable flour that can sometimes stand alone. It grinds up well in my grain mill but has a definite different texture and taste that I am still getting used to. This pancake recipe turned out to be the best buckwheat recipe I've tried yet. (And let me assure you that simply substituting buckwheat for spelt in my normal tortilla recipe is NOT a good idea... I definitely need a new recipe for that!) I think I added a little bit of molasses for some extra minerals and sweetness. Many thanks to Just Making Noise for a great recipe! I can't wait to try out more of her recipes!

  • 2 cups 100% buckwheat flour (or 1 cup buckwheat & 1 cup whole wheat or spelt)
  • 2 cups buttermilk, kefir, yogurt or water w/ 2 Tbsp lemon juice or raw vinegar
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 Tbsp raw honey (I liked the deep flavor of molasses, so I added a bit of that, too)
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 2 Tbsp melted butter or coconut oil
Soak flour with liquid in a warm place for 12 to 24 hours.

Lightly beat the eggs and pour into the soaked flour. Stir in the rest of the ingredients and thin the batter to desired consistency with water if needed.

Cook on a hot, oiled griddle or cast-iron skillet. These pancakes cook slower then unsoaked whole grain flour or white flour pancakes. When bubbly on top and golden brown at the bottom… flip over and cook for a few minutes till golden brown.


  1. I found your blogs through POH. I was diagnosed with celiac disease this past August. We used to live in Wake Forest (my husband worked at SEBTS) but we are now in Pineville, LA due to hubby getting a job that has turned into a HUGE opportunity at Louisiana College. (I tell you this to assure you that I am not a crazy blog stalker person- I am friends with Leah Finn as well) :)

    ANYWAY, our budget in WF was SUPER tight and so the celiac diagnosis and subsequent shopping trip devastated me. However, it was recommended to me to try "BETTER BATTER" gluten free flour. (Google it) instead of making up twenty million various mixes of different GF flours. I am definitely learning about nutrition more as I walk this GF path and so I don't know how well this flour blend would mesh with what you guys fix. However, it hasn't failed me yet- and I do a lot of baking and recipe trying. I use it 1:1 in "normal" recipes that call for regular flour and it has worked for everything but a king cake in a bread machine (GF flours are tricky tricky in bread machines and I haven't figured that out yet). Also, if I find a recipe that uses a variety of GF flours, I just add up the total amount of those flours and use that much of Better Batter. You have to order it online and I bit the bullet and ordered the biggest thing they had (which fits in a 5 gal bucket I picked up at the WF Grain Mill) for $65. If you want to try a smaller batch, I think you can order as little as 2.5 pounds.

    Just thought I would share. Good luck! After the initial transition, it gets much easier and I have days where I totally forget that I have digestive issues and I LOVE THAT.

    Thanks for posting the "gatorade" drink on your other blog. I definitely want to make some of this for my 3 year old for after ball practice since it gets very hot over here. :)

    If you have any questions or anything, I am here. My blog is and you can leave comments or find me on Facebook (through Leah Finn)


  2. Thanks Steph! I will definitely try out the better batter flour! Sounds like it would make my life a lot easier :)
