Monday, April 8, 2013

Ground Beef Pie Topped With Bacon-Twice Baked Potatoes

I got the idea for this meal from THIS recipe, but I didn't want to use all the processed ingredients.  So I came up with my own very simple recipe and my husband actually liked it!

Ground Beef
cream cheese or heavy cream
cheddar cheese
Cooked bacon

Directions:  Brown ground beef, place in a casserole dish.  I actually added a bit of coconut oil to make sure it stayed plenty moist.  Make mashed potatoes however you like them.  I usually boil them because it is quick and add lots of salt, butter, garlic powder, and cream.  Place mashed potatoes on top of ground beef.  Cover with cheddar cheese and bacon.  Bake at 350 for about 20 minutes til bubbly.

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