Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Mark's favorite Sausage Gravy

My husband orders sausage gravy almost every time he eats breakfast at a restaurant.  I used to think that something like that would be too difficult to make correctly but I finally got up the nerve to try it.  And guess what?  This recipe is super easy!!  It has never failed me.  I usually double the recipe and then freeze part of it for later and it always heats up nicely.  If I have time, I will make biscuits, but I most often serve it over sourdough toast and my husband loves it just the same.

1 pound bulk sausage
3 cups milk
1/3 cup flour
pepper to taste

Directions: Brown sausage in skillet.  Stir in flour til dissolved.  Add milk.  Cook until it begins to bubble, stirring regularly.  Reduce heat and allow to simmer, stirring until thickened, about 2 minutes.  Season with pepper as  desired.

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