Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Brandi's Carob Pie

Brandie Miller made this for Mark's graduation cookout and no one could believe it didn't have chocolate in it! It is my Mom's current favorite dessert :)


Frozen Pie Crusts (2) **Prepare as directed on package!**
Evaporated Milk (12oz)
Eggs (4)
Sugar (1 1/2 cup and 4tbsp)
Self-Rising Flour (6tbsp)
Carob Powder (4tbsp)
Vanilla Flavoring (2tsp)

Directions for Carob Filling:
Mix sugar (1 1/2 cups), flour, carob, eggs (yellow only, save whites for meriange), evaporated milk, and 1/2 can of water (use the evaporated milk can). Get all of the lumps out. Pour into sauce pan and cook on medium-hi until the consistency of pudding. Pour carob mixture in already cooked pie crusts.

Directions for Meriange:
Put two shakes of salt into the leftover egg whites. Mix with blender on hi (going in the same direction) until the egg whites are white and firm. Once they are white and firm, add the vanilla and sugar (4tbsp). Mix again until fluffy. Pour on top of carob filling. Place two pies in the oven under the broiler until meriange has carmelized to your liking!! Take out of the oven and place in the refrigerator.
*My pastor's wife told me to always use a glass bowl when making meriange because it works better. I don't know if it's really true, but that's all that I have ever used and it always comes out perfect!

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