Sunday, September 28, 2008

Grandma Connie's Cheesy Garlic Grits

This was my absolute favorite thing to eat at my Grandma's growing up and she was nice enough to make it for every holiday meal. Mark thought I was crazy when I first wanted to make them; weird concept for him. But he thinks its yummy now, too :)


1 cup grits
1 tsp salt
½ stick butter
2 eggs
1 roll garlic cheese
½ cup milk
1 cup buttered corn flake crumbs

: Cook grits as directed. Cool 15 minutes. Melt butter and cheese. Add to cooked grits. Beat eggs and milk and slowly pour into a greased casserole. Top with crumbs. Bake 45 min. at 350. (Allow for 1 hour).

This recipe is part of Kelly's SUYL side dishes


  1. I've never been brave enough to cook grits (we don't really use them up north) but this looks easy and yummy! Thanks for sharing!


  2. My grandma cooked garlic cheese grits growing up and there is nothing else like it, it is my all time favorite. Her recipe is a little different but mostly the same, I will have to try yours. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I moved to South Carolina almost five years ago and still haven't mastered grits. These sound great.
