Sunday, September 28, 2008

Lynne's Oven Fried Potatoes

This was another recipe I had to master to marry Mark and it seems like I never make them enough for him. He loves to dip them in Ranch or ketchup, but I think they are yummy enough by themselves :)

12 medium potatoes, peeled and cubed
¼ cup grated Pamesan cheese
2 tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Garlic powder
1 tsp. Paprika
½ tsp pepper
1/3 cup vegetable oil

Directions: Place potatoes in two large resealable plastic bags. Combine the Parmesan cheese and seasonings; add to potatoes and shake to coat. Pour oil into two 15x10x1 baking pans; pour seasoned potatoes into pans. Bake, uncovered, at 375 for 40-50 minutes, stirring occasionally until potatoes are tender.


  1. We will be eating these next week! Thanks!

  2. These look great! Have you ever tried using a egg-white wisk to crispen the potatoes? It is a low-fat way to make crispy oven-baked fries! I just put up the recipe (it's super easy) if you are interested in trying (I'm new to blogger, so I apologize in advance for my novice...!)I use PAM in the recipe, but I'm sure a little bit of coconut oil would be even better! :)

    You might like my healthy cookie recipe as well :)...

    Thanks for all your recipes! I am loving your site!

  3. That does sound like a great way to crispen the potatoes! My husband likes them as crispy as possible so I will definitely have to try them! Thanks for the tip and I will be checking out your blog for some new recipes to try!
