Sunday, October 19, 2008

Leah's Taco Soup

This comes highly recommended from my friend, Leah, and my family loved it! I used a little less taco seasoning because I know Ed and Leah like things spicy. We ate it with sour cream, cheddar cheese, and Ritz or tortilla chips :) And I just throw all the ingredients into the crockpot and leave it all day :)

1 pound ground beef or sausage
chopped onion to season beef
2 cans stewed tomatoes
1 lg. can tomato sauce
2 pkgs taco seasoning
2 cans kidney beans
2 cans corn, drained

1. Brown 1# ground beef or sausage with chopped onion.
2. Put meat in large pot. Add 2 cans stewed tomatoes, 1 lg. can tomato sauce, 2 pkgs. taco seasoning, 2 cans kidney beans, 2 cans corn (drained).
3. Cook for about 1/2 hour - sorry to be vague. You're pretty much just warming it all up. You can also put this in the crockpot on low.
**I usually only make HALF of this recipe b/c the whole thing feeds quite a few people**


  1. I made this today for Mike's sister and her family that stayed with us and what a hit it was! I stuck with the Mild Rotelle for the spice and used reg. black beans. So yummy! I doubled it too b/c they have 3 small boys and I thought I could freeze/eat later the leftovers. There weren't any! They ate it all! This recipe is a keeper!!! THANK YOU!

    Team B.

  2. Yum-o! I used a can of tomatoes from my garden, and instead of kidney beans I used one can of black beans and one can of pinto beans. I was bummed that I haven't tried this earlier! So good!
