Sunday, October 19, 2008

Mom's Apple Chicken Bake

My Mom made up this recipe when she ate a similar dish at Cracker Barrel and it was so delicious! Very easy and another one of my favorite "comfort food" meals :)

Chicken breasts
Sliced apples
Basic White Sauce
Ritz Crackers
Melted Butter
Shredded Cheddar Cheese
Cooked Bacon (optional)

Directions:Make a white sauce; Layer the sliced chicken in a greased casserole dish, then the white sauce, apple slices, then some cheddar cheese, then Ritz cracker crumbs mixed with melted butter. I like to add some crisp bacon with the cheddar cheese under the Ritz crackers :) Bake at 350 for about 30 min til bubbly and chicken is no longer pink.

This recipe is part of Kelly's Korner SUYL


  1. Ok...last comment for the night and then I'm going to bed. But first I must say this recipe is fantastic! Mike is not a guy who likes fruit anywhere near his meat but this recipe won him over. I could eat this once a week easily. We had it last week and I'm def. considering a repeat for this coming week.

    Team B
