Monday, December 22, 2008

Crockpot peanut clusters

Oh, yeah, I'm addicted to these!


3 (16-ounce) jars lightly salted roasted peanuts (lightly salted is important!)
2 (8-ounce) boxes German Baker's Chocolate
1 (8-ounce) box Unsweetened Baker's Chocolate
1 (24-ounce) bag semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 tsp vanilla

(any other add-ins you might like: tiny marshmallows, coconut, etc)

The Directions.

Use a large crockpot. This makes about 150 peanut clusters. Spray the inside of your crock with cooking spray, and place the unwrapped baking chocolate, and bars of German chocolate in the bottom. Add all the peanuts. Pour in the chocolate chips, and add vanilla. Cover and cook on low for 3 hours. While the chocolate is melting, lay out a bunch of parchment paper on your counter top or kitchen table. When time has elapsed, stir well, add in any other yummy ingredients that you thought of, and remove from heat. Use a small ice-cream scoop to plop out bite-sized piles onto the parchment paper.

Let cool before eating---this takes a long time---hours. It is best to leave them overnight so you don't pick at them :)

These are addictive. The chocolate flavor is quite rich, and tastes dark. If you aren't a fan of dark chocolate, use milk chocolate chips! The salt flavor from the nuts is subtle, but is there, and it makes your tongue itch for more.

Found at:


  1. Thank you! This sounds so yummy and easy.

  2. These look delicious! Thank you for sharing! Happy Holidays to you and your family

  3. I found you through Kelly's Korner. These sound so great! I'm off to check out some of your other recipes. Happy Holidays to you!

  4. I also came via Kelly's Korner! Can't wait to try this! I LOVE the crockpot!!

  5. these are in the crockpot as i speak. thanks for such a great and easy idea...this has saved me HOURS from my usual holiday candy making! :) merry christmas!!
