Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Crustless quiche

This has been a throw-together meal for me the last couple of weeks when life has been so busy and I didn't make time to meal plan (gasp! :) or even go to the grocery store regularly. My toddler loves "pie" and anything cheesy, so its a good combination for her. She loves the random dollops of cream or ricotta cheese. I make it "crustless" because I don't have time to make a pie crust and it's healthier without it :) You can really vary the ingredients a lot -- I seriously NEVER measure any of it so I'm guessing here to write it down:)

1/4 to 1/2 cup milk
5-8 eggs
shredded cheese (I love sharp cheddar but any kind will work :)
meat of your choosing (cooked bacon, luncheon meat, sausage, etc)
dollops of cream cheese or ricotta cheese

Directions: Whisk eggs and milk together; set aside. Butter a glass pie pan; throw in as much of the other toppings as you desire, ending with the shredded cheese on top. Pour eggs/milk mixture over top. Bake at 350 for about 35 min, until eggs are set.

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