Friday, August 7, 2009

Lezlie's Feta Salmon

This is one of my husband's favorite meals! What's even more impressive is that I like it because I don't typically like seafood. But the feta is so yummy and drowns out the fishy taste :) I actually drenched the salmon with a bunch of garlic butter before throwing it into the oven :) And we didn't use many capers because we don't absolutely love them :)

feta cheese

Easiest directions ever: Put a slab o' salmon on a broiler pan, cover it heavily with feta cheese & capers (adds a salty touch that accents the feta perfectly,) and stick it in the oven at 375, cook it til the feta starts turning brownish, about 15 -20 mins. depending on the size of the slab. EASY & Kids will CHOW IT DOWN! Even the picky ones! (usually!) Really tasty & elegant if you need it to be!

I’m very excited to be part of the Whole Foods for the Holidays Progressive Dinner, hosted by Stephanie at Keeper of the Home today.

This recipe is part of Kelly's Korner SUYL


  1. salmon is one of the few fish that i like! its not too fishy-tasting!

  2. We eat this ALL of the time! Like at least twice a month and it vanishes quickly. Adults love it. Kids love it. It's simple. Thank you!

    The Brittons

    And yes..we are eating it tonight...7 min until we chow!

  3. We all LOVED this! I think I said Mmmmmm with every bite!
